Friday, January 22, 2016

Adam Rupeka gave piece of shit former officer Nathan Baker the middle finger salute while driving (May 2014) POS cop pepper sprayed and arrested him. POS cop resigned before he could get fired.

Saratoga Springs city paid $50.000 to Adam Rupeka of Troy who got pepper sprayed and arrested after flipping off a police officer.

The city also released video that also shows Baker threatening to use a taser on a handcuffed Rupeka at the police station.

The video taken by Rupeka after getting pulled over by Baker shows the officer shooting pepper spray in the driver’s face when he did not get out of his car and questioned why he was being arrested.

Baker later resigned. At the time, Police Chief Gregory Vietch said the officer’s conduct was inappropriate.

 “The job of a police officer is not to drive around delivering attitude adjustments to those citizens who show unmistakable signs of being in need of one,” Veitch said. “Obviously we want our officers to behave professionally and use force appropriately. In this case it was something we thought required termination or separation from the police department,”

He added that even if Baker had been provoked, his actions were inconsistent with the department’s policies, training methods and values.

For the full story from Adam himself,  where he takes through step by step of what asshole cops are.... 1)ignoring the Supreme Court ruling that they can not arrest you for gesturing at them 2) not using a nuetralizing agent after handcuffing a suspect (remember, innocent until proven guilty by a court) 3) putting peppersprayed suspect in cop car without lower windows, turning on AC etc, just to further antagonize the suspect

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